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I Used Buzzsumo to Find Out How Content Was Performing

Callie Pataluna
4 min readDec 22, 2020


I signed up for a 30 day free trial with Buzzsumo to take a peek at how BondVet’s social media content was performing. Buzzsumo is a tool that gives insight on how a website’s content performs, helps you generate new ideas for content, and identifies influencers that you should target.

The tool generates insights for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Reddit. Since it is missing Instagram, I took a look at BondVet’s Instagram from a viewer's perspective.

What I found:

BondVet has the strongest presence on Instagram with around 13 thousand followers and 150–500 likes per post.

Their Facebook posts seem to be hit or miss. Some pages have high engagement and some don’t have any at all. It appears that viewers are coming to their Facebook page in search of information regarding the location of their facilities and see what services are offered. Posts about the products that they sell, coronavirus updates, and articles about specific issues pets may have are receiving little to no engagement.

I was surprised to see how inactive BondVet is on Twitter. They have 87 followers and their last original tweet was made in August of this year. They have retweeted a few things since then but haven’t shared any of their new, original, content on Twitter.

The first image below shows the two posts with the highest engagement and the second image shows two posts with no engagement.

How I would improve content engagement


One of the first things I noticed about BondVet’s Facebook was that the images of pets with the vet got more likes than almost every image that only featured the pet. People want to see the vets in action all the while showing compassion towards their pets.

Since Buzzsumo also allows you to search for specific content and shows you what articles are performing best, I searched “veterinarian” for inspiration on what kind of content BondVet should share on their Facebook page.

I found that people were interested in what common foods and treats were not good for pets. BondVet has shared a lot of really helpful information on what foods you shouldn’t give pets. I think it could be improved if they also compiled a list of foods and treats that are healthy for pets, including their own catnip and jerky products.

Another post that got some of the highest engagement was about how a veterinarian has a comfort dog assistant that comforts scared pets all throughout their exams. I wouldn’t be surprised if BondVet has vet assistants doing this as well. I think it would be cool to write an article about what exactly goes on in pet exams and what some of their employees’ jobs entail.


BondVet has an extensive collection of well-written, helpful blogs on their website. However, many of the blog posts received zero engagement. I think it would be effective to be able to subscribe to their blog. If consumers are receiving an email in their inbox about newly published blogs, the blogs should receive more engagement than they are currently.

To improve engagement with BondVet’s blog posts, I have created an automated email that will be sent out to new subscribers thanking them for signing up. You can see it pictured above.

I included a small promotion as a thank you and also to encourage more people to try out BondVet’s products. I created a button that once clicked will take viewers to BondVet’s online shop. New subscribers will also be informed of all of BondVet’s locations so they know which one is most convenient for them to visit. They are also provided with links to all of BondVet’s social media accounts so they can follow along there as well.


BondVet has not been very active on Twitter. It’s been awhile since they’ve shared their own original content on that platform. I would like to see them share what they post on Instagram and Facebook on Twitter as well. To improve engagement on Twitter, a good start would be to simply share the new blog posts they create.

Coming Soon

In the next week, I will be creating Facebook ads to increase customer engagement. I am going to create a mock schedule for when posts will be shared and ads will run in order for BondVet to stay relevant. Stay tuned!



Callie Pataluna

In constant search of adventure, opportunity, and personal growth.