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Learning All I Can About Customer Success, Experience, and Engagement: Week Two

Callie Pataluna
5 min readDec 16, 2020


This month, I am working on increasing customer success and engagement for a company called BondVet. This week, I expanded on what I did last week by creating a FAQ page for BondVet and putting the answers in TextExpander so when customers ask common questions, the customer support team can increase the efficiency of responding to inquiries.

What I planned to do:

  1. Come up with questions for an FAQ page
  2. Search for answers on BondVet’s website
  3. Transfer complete FAQ page in Google doc to mock Wix site
  4. Set up TextExpander
  5. Make snippets using the answers from the FAQ page
  6. Create a video documenting how to use TextExpander and use snippets when responding to chatbot inquiries
  7. Research how to write cold emails
  8. Write three email scripts for BondVet
  9. Create a blog post on how to write cold emails
  10. Set up constant contact for cold emails
  11. Continue reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People”
  12. Learn about KPI’s
  13. Create a blog post about KPI’s
  14. Blog about weekly progress

What I actually accomplished:

FAQ page

I attempted to come up with questions for an FAQ page for BondVet by going to their social media sites and looking for questions in the comments of their posts. I also checked out what people were asking about them on Quora. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything so I asked friends and family to look over the website and let me know what questions they would have if they were interested in BondVet’s service.

I looked for the answers to the ten questions that they came up with on BondVet’s website. I compiled all the questions and answers in a Google doc and then transferred them over to an FAQ page on my mock Wix site. The FAQ page on my mock page can be accessed from the menu bar at the top of each page.


I installed TextExpander on my laptop and set up an account with a free trial. I created a ‘new group’ and named it FAQs. Under FAQs, I added a ‘new snippet’ for each question. I pasted the answer in the large text box, named my snippet, and created a unique but sensible abbreviation. Now when someone asks a FAQ in the chatbot I created last week, the customer support team will be able to respond with a short abbreviation that automatically turns into the answer. You can check out how to create a FAQ page and set up TextExpander here.

Writing cold emails

I did some extensive research on what cold emails are, what they consist of, and the best way to go about writing them. I found this article and this article to be very helpful. I decided that targeting pet influencers on Instagram would be the most effective route. I made each email personalized for the person I was sending it to. The goal is to become a staple in the influencers' life and for them to want to share our services with their followers.

I set up a free account on Constant Contact and typed up my emails into one of their templates. I created attention-grabbing subject lines that would likely get the receiver to open the email. I created buttons with links to all of BondVet’s social media accounts so the person I’m sending the email to can learn more about the company and the services provided. To see what I created, click here.

I started “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

I was originally planning to start this at the beginning of the month, but the book didn’t arrive until the end of the first week. I have started reading and am almost caught up to where I wanted to be for the end of week two.

I am really enjoying the book so far and sharing it on LinkedIn. My favorite part has been reading about whether criticism is constructive or not. Criticism has never been a method of improvement that I have used to help someone improve or that has helped me improve so I have enjoyed reading a book that supports self-control and understanding as opposed to criticism.

“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain — and most fools do. It takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.”

Challenges I faced this week

I was still playing catch up from the first week and I feel like I was pretty ambitious in what I wanted to get accomplished this week so I didn’t quite make it to learning about KPI’s yet.

Instead of learning and writing a blog post on KPI’s this week, I decided to create a blog post comparing three different conversational marketing software. I felt like it could be beneficial to someone to read about what sets Drift, Chatra, and Intelliticks apart from each other. You can read about that here.

Learning how to create cold email scripts took a little bit more time than I intended. I read a lot of different articles and did a lot of research before I finally felt like I was ready to take a stab at writing my own.

Once I got my scripts written, I submitted them for feedback and revised them several times before I finally got them where I wanted them to be. I saw this as a very important skill and wanted to make sure that I understood it completely so I took all the time that I needed to grasp it.

Looking forward

I’m really looking forward to next week and being able to view the insights of BondVet’s posts. I’m also excited to see what I learn from doing an audit of their website. Learning to analyze data is an important skill and a great asset for any company to have. I’m also excited to continue reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”



Callie Pataluna

In constant search of adventure, opportunity, and personal growth.